About US

Talent from Baja LLC is the result of two major influences: Globalization and the Digital Revolution.

We are part of a digital-savvy generation who grew up during the surge of technologies such as the internet and social media. These technological advancements now enable us to become invaluable assets for global professional opportunities.

Our purpose? To empower U.S. startups and small businesses and to offer remote opportunities to professionals in Mexico. We’re here to connect you with self-motivated, highly skilled virtual assistants in Mexico, ready to forge enduring partnerships.

We are a small, dynamic team committed to serving a low volume of clients to ensure special attention to your talent needs.

Our dynamic, digital-driven team:

Sacbé Medrano
Founder & Director

I founded Talent from Baja after working remotely for 6 years as a marketing director and consultant for multiple US startups. My experience working directly with business owners as well as my knowledge of the Mexican talent pool allow me to find great matches between companies and professionals.

Roberto Zamudio
Co-Founder & Client Success

I help business owners build high-performing teams. Before co-founding Talent from Baja with Sacbé, a former coworker, I worked for 7 years in sales, customer service, and recruitment roles, as well as managing teams in the same areas. I honed my English skills and cultural knowledge after living for 3 years in the US.

Fernando Lozoya
Recruitment Specialist

Before joining Talent from Baja I worked as a remote sales and customer service executive at local call centers. I help the Talent from Baja team by finding highly educated and skilled English-speaking professionals who are looking to support a team remotely.

Sonia Luján
Real Estate Recruitment

I help Talent from Baja with real-estate-related recruitment efforts by leveraging my 4 years of experience as a real estate marketing and admin assistant for realtors in California and Arizona, where I helped manage listings, social media, email marketing, and more.

Hire remotely and uncover the benefits of a nearshore team:

What our valued Customers and Freelancers have to say:

Jeremy Gocke

“We hired a stellar graphic designer & video editor through Talent from Baja. The interview & engagement process was smooth and we’ve been happily working with our designer for nearly a year. Highly recommend.”
See Google review

Ricardo Segovia

“For a year now, I’ve been a proud member of Talent from Baja, and what a transformative year it’s been. This company’s remote work approach not only unlocked better job prospects for me but also granted me the freedom to work from anywhere on the globe. The way they value my contributions have made this experience even more enriching. Here’s to Talent from Baja for redefining work and creating an environment that truly cares.”.
See Google review

Adriana Meinguer

“Working as a freelancer in Graphic and Digital Design through Talent from Baja has been an improving experience. They provide flexibility and opportunities aligned with my interests. The hiring process is straightforward, and they offer valuable tips for client interviews. In summary, Talent from Baja has boosted my professional development and expanded my network of creative contacts.”

See Google review


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